Washington Post reporter Jeff Guo responded to Sullivan with an epic-length Tweet storm with every Angry Asian cliche imaginable: the Model Minority Myth is racist, Asians are discriminated against in the U.S., they weren’t even allowed in for awhile, the food tastes awful, and the portions are so small.
Jeffrey, the only discrimination yellow boys should worry about is sexual discrimination by yellow women. All else is fooey.
It’s like Sailer’s piece “Is Humping Colorblind?”
1) Asian men tend to be shorter than white and black men. Does this matter in the mating game? One of America's leading hands-on researchers into this question, 7'1", 280-pound basketball legend Wilt Chamberlain, reports that in his ample experience being tall and strong never hurt. Biological anthropologists confirm this, finding that taller tends to be better in the eyes of most women in just about all cultures. Like most traits, height is determined by the interaction of genetic and social factors (e.g., nutrition). For example, the L.A. Dodgers' [now N.Y. Metss] flamethrowing pitcher Hideo Nomo is listed as 6'2", an almost unheard-of height for any Japanese man fifty years ago, owing to the near-starvation diets of the era. While the height gap between Japanese and whites narrowed significantly after World War II, this trend has slowed in recent years as well-fed Japanese began bumping up against genetic limits. Furthermore, it can be rather cold comfort to a 5'7" Asian who is competing for dates with white and black guys averaging 5'11" to hear, ``Your sons will grow up on average a couple of inches taller than you, assuming, of course, that you ever meet a girl and have any kids.'' In contrast, consider a 5'1" Asian coed. Although she'd be happy with a 5'7" boyfriend if she were in an all-Asian school, at UCLA she finds lots of boys temptingly much taller than that, but few are Asian.
In Asia, yellow girls only knew yellow boys. So, they were okay with that. But once they go global and come to West, they have choice of wide range of men. Asian men have that choice too but women don’t like them. There was a news piece about some online dating site where Asian women were most popular among all men. They figure Asian women will be easy since, given the choice, they will choose superior non-Asian man over Asian man. In contrast, Asian men are least sought by women of all races. Asian women still go for Asian men but still prefer whites. With all the rap music stuff, I’ll bet many will go Negro. Consider the crazy Chinese ho who had her black boyfriend killed. And Ellen Pao would rather marry a homo Negro than a Chinese guy.
Now, I believe in 'exism' above all. Exism is exist-ism. Before all else is possible, you must exist. And all beings come into existence through meeting of pud and poon. In Asia, yellow puds and yellow poons came together and created more yellow boys and girls. In the West, yellow poons are popular but yellow puds aren’t(because they are smaller than white and black puds). And as yellow girls become Americanized, they take on American attitudes which values black man highest as stud and yellow man(and maybe a Mexer) lowest. (But Mexers, even short squat ones, find women because their standards are low. Asian guys got college degrees and want quality women. A Mexer will settle for any woman who can make taco.) Anyway, an Exist(Exism-ist) must think in terms of securing one’s existence above all else.
Now, Jeffry Guo is alive only because a yellow man fuc*ed a yellow woman. He exists because of that meeting of pud and poon of his father and mother. But suppose his pa and ma had grown up in the West. His ma would have taken on American attitudes and noticed that non-yellow men are superior. So, if Jeff’s pa had asked Jeff’s ma for marriage in the West, she would have flashed a sign “no dogs and chinese men allowed in my womb”. Then Jeff wouldn’t exist because his ma would have rejected his pa. Jeff’s ma’s womb would have produced some kid for white man, Jewish man, or black man.
It’s like that movie BACK TO THE FUTURE. Michael J. Fox’s existence is at stake. He must go to the past to ensure that his pa meet his ma in order for him to exist.
So, Jeff, the real problem for you fellers is you are sexually rejected by yellow women in the global setting. You complain about 'chinese exclusion act' but when chinese are included in the West, it leads to Chinese women practicing 'chinese male exclusion act'. Chinese women, when given global choice for sex, reject men like jeff guo who looks dorky.
This matters because life comes before all else. Whether Jeff gets college degree, has leftist thought, has rightist thoughts, is religious, is secular, and etc are all secondary. All that is possible ONLY BECAUSE he exists. Thus exism comes first. You must secure existence. In the West, yellow wombs reject yellow men and produce kids for other men. So, in the West, future Jeffreys have a lower chance of coming into existence because yellow women(like Jeff’s ma), if given a choice among various races of men, will likely choose outside her race. It’s like Amy Chua has affection for her father but no attraction to men like that. (If her mother had grown up in the West, she most likely would have been like her daughter and married outside race.)
So, if yellow men have sense, they should go back to Asia and close national borders and put up sign, “You no come here and take our girl. She no longer so horny.” Yellows may be civilized and have long history, but their mentality isn’t much different from primitive Indian savage. Indian savage gave white man his daughter for material goods. Why do yellow fathers come to west and give their girls to other men? Bigger houses and cars. Trading daughters wombs to other races for mansions and cars. But then, humans are animal-organisms and will give up identity, culture, and etc. just for better material life and comfort. To preserve culture, one has to value something more than comfort. It’s like some American Jews decide to live in Israel out of love and reverence. In material terms, he’s much better off in the US. But he has this historical bond with the holy land.
Racial security means men’s control of land and wombs. Without land, you have no home turf and sacred territory to defend. Without access to wombs of your women, there is no security for the future because all kids are born of women. Given those considerations, people must deal with reality. By global standards, Asian males have the lowest market value sexually; therefore, it is stupid for yellow boys to venture outside Asia except as businessmen.
The great tragedy of The West is afro-womb-colonization. Black men are not only coming to the Europe and having many kids but colonizing wombs of white women on jungle fever. I was looking at youtube videos of street life in Paris and you often see white women with black men. White women find black men to be racially-sexually superior. And this is promoted by schools, pop culture, movies, and etc. And millions and millions of black men are headed to Europe. White European women don’t stick with white men but go with Negro men and use wombs to make babies for invader men. France is always exploding with non-white births, and those births are only from African wombs but white wombs. It’s the pleasure principle or meth-head principle. People will do what is pleasurable even if it leads to demise of system. If bigger dongs give women more pleasure, then white women will go with bigger dongs of Negroes. Pleasure trumps all. It’s like even people who know pigs are smart and shouldn’t be killed go on eating pork. Why? Pleasure of pork as food.
When the Huns attacked Germanic barbarians, Germanics attacked Romans. Germanics got pushed, so they pushed against others. As Negroes conquer white wombs, white men are gonna seek compensation with yellow wombs. It’s the push effect. Blacks take white wombs, whites take yellow wombs, and yellow men got nothing. Asian-America is like Saigon during the war under US occupation. American men owned and fuc*ed Vietnamese women while Viet men were reduced to Viet-cucks.
So, if Jeff really thinks about the WHY of his existence, he will think of taking his kind back to his homeland and keeping the land and womenfolk for themselves and keeping out foreign devils. It’s the rule of exism. Be an Exist. Be like Michael J. Fox.
China had 'foreign devil exclusion act' for 1000s of yrs. And it also banned Chinese from leaving. That's how Chinese men kept Chinese women. It's the only way for Chinese men since Asian men are sexually inferior to other men. Even Chinese women agree and go with non-Asian men when given the chance.
This Amren article says Chinese women throw themselves at white guys in China. And little Chinese boys worship black men as gods.
From my own observation, and from what I hear from others, they practically throw themselves at white guys. In our class introductions at the beginning of the semester, I usually have at least four or five ask if I will date them—they flirt with me right in front of the class. Many more make advances privately.
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