Thursday, March 23, 2017
NYT: Biracial Supremacy: According to Moises Velasquez-Manoff, a mixed-race person is SUPERIOR
“As a multiethnic person myself — the son of a Jewish dad of Eastern European descent and a Puerto Rican mom — I can attest that being mixed makes it harder to fall back on the tribal identities that have guided so much of human history, and that are now resurgent.”
I dunno.. he seems to act and work within Tribal Supremacist norms.
So, he is Jewish and Puerto Rican.
Given his ambition, which Tribe is he likely to identify with and cozy up to?
Those who run Wall Street and NYT or those who hang around the street peddling drugs?
And as I recall, even though Eric Holder is light-skinned, he sided with blacks against whites.
And Obama never seemed to feel white at all.
He chose blackness as his identity and then worked with Jewish globalists because that’s where the power is.
Usually, when races, certain identities are more powerful than others. Anyone with black genes is tagged as black and identify as black.
If someone is half-Jewish, he tends toward Jewishness.
But among others, race mixing just leads to muckish confusion.
Btw, the tragic story of Latin America is that race-mixing weakened the racial consciousness of the natives. Mixed with white and black genes, the natives were unable to liberate their own nations like other peoples around the world. So, Spanish elites rule to this day.
I have a great idea for largely Jewish-dominated NYT.
Urge all Jewish women in Israel to have babies with Arab, Iranian, African, Asian, and Mexican men. Mix em up all. Jewish identity is so tribal. So, atavistic.
Btw, make sure Jewish women mainly mix genes with Palestinian men.
That way, as Jewish women have Palestinian babies, they will give up on Jewish nationalism and allow right of Return to Palestinians.
Puerto-Ricanize the entire world.
Cuba is so horrible. It fought for national independence like Vietnam did cuz it didn’t want to be whore of US. It turned nationalist and tribal. Shame!!!
In contrast, wonderful Puerto Rico gave up on independence movement. It was happy to become Whorto Rico to the US. A mini-me.
What need for national independence or sovereignty? Just join with Master America and live off welfare.
And have its women give their wombs to Jewish men to produce Jewish globalist kids.
Bi-racial isn’t really the dominant dynamics in race-mixing. Bi-racial or multi-racial implies that each of those identities get equal respect and attention. Not so.
Usually, among mixed-race people, one identity dominates the other.
This Moises guy is typically Jewish in intellect and ideology.
There are lots of Jews like him, but not many Puertos like him.
He isn’t equally Jewish and Puerto. He is far more Jewish. His Jewish side dominates his identity in the same way that Jewish Power dominates the US.
Consider the power that Israel exerts on the US. Consider the power that Puerto Rico exerts on the US. No comparison. There is nothing like Puerto equivalent of AIPAC or Hollywood.
So, Moises is the product of a Jewish man colonizing the womb of Puerto woman to create what is essentially a Jewish-globalist child. The notion that Moises feels equally Jewish and Puerto Rican is nonsense. In his professional circle, he will hang around many more Jews than Puertos.
His ‘hispanic’ side is useful for him to get extra minority-pokemon points. His Jewish side is doubtlessly much stronger, if only because Jews have been a far greater people than lowly Puerto Ricans who subsist on US welfare and is whore-colony of America.
By the way, given that Puerto Rico is the product of invasion, conquest, imperialism, slavery, and ‘genocide’, is its diversity something to ‘celebrate’? Should its natives — what remains of them — be grateful for the invasion, forced-race-mixing, arrival of black slaves, and colonization of the US as a wonderful process that freed them of ‘nationalist’ passions?
I wonder if Moises feels the French should have had more sex with Vietnamese during their imperialism so that Vietnamese would have lost their national identity, whereby there might have been no nationalist struggle to push out the imperialist French. Moises is a neo-imperialist, a globalist agent who seeks to Puerto-Ricanize the entire world.
Anyway, race-mixing doesn’t lead to equality of various identities within the same person.
When someone is half black/half white or half black/half asian, the person identifies as black.
The result is hier-racial or hierarchical, meaning there is hierarchy in the identity. (Also, the father’s identity is more important since the child grows up seeing the Man as the figure of authority in the house. After all, woman choose partners who are bigger and stronger.)
Ashkenazi Jews are a good example of how bi-racialism doesn’t mean equality of identities. Studies show that Ashkenazi Jews originated with Jewish fathers and European gentile mothers, BUT their hier-racial identity has been overwhelmingly Jewish.
Why are certain identities favored over others? It could be genetic dominance and/or cultural dominance. Some racial traits are more dominant while others are more recessive. So, if a blonde woman mates with Negro, the nappy hair will override blonde hair. Also, certain racial personalities are more dominant than others. Jews tend to be busy and pushy, Asians tend to be passive and imitative. So, Jewish personality will override Asian one in race-mixing. And blacks tend to be more colorful yabbity-dabbity while northern Europeans tend to be more restrained. So, the more yabbity Negro genes will gain dominance.
But it could also be social and cultural. If a society says whites are great while being a Negro sucks, a half-white and half-black person will want to identify as white. But if society says blacks are great and being a whitey sucks, a half-white and half-black person will want to identify as black. Even Shaun King says he’s black though he looks mostly white.
In the US, blacks own moral sanctimony and sports/music coolness points, so it’s cool to be ‘black’.
In the current US, white = suckery, so even those with little bit of black blood identifies as black. And even Hispanics who are mostly white and have bit of non-white blood claim to be ‘non-white’ or people of color. On the other hand, since Asian-ness is uncool, someone who is half-white and half-asian might identify as white. Someone who’s half-white and half-Arab? That’s a toughie. There is some effort to make ‘Muslims’ noble but there is still cloud over Muslim-ness or Arab-ness.
The strange thing, however, is this. Even though whiteness is most denounced and attacked as a brand, it is most desired as a trait. So, suppose there is black person with light skin, rather straight-ish hair, and western features. He or she will actually be glad to have them… but he or she will still identify as black. So, he or she wants white features but not the white brand.
If a black woman has aquiline nose and European-ish features, she would rather have them than look like a jungle woman like GHOSTBUSTRESS. But she will still identify as black cuz that puts her on the Noble Victim side.
We see this with Latin American leaders like Hugo Chavez. He married some blonde ho. So, even as his ideology was anti-white and pro-POC, he wanted to bang a blonde bimbo and have white-looking kids. And there are plenty of Asian women and Hindu women who will bitch about white privilege and white evil but want to marry some white guy and have white-looking kids. So, whiteness is most reviled as brand, most desired as trait.
And this is true of Jews as well. Jews have been tireless in their anti-’Aryan’ this and that, but boy oh boy, there seems to be lotsa shiksa obsession among Jewish men.
“multiracial people are more open-minded and creative”
Yeah, that must be why North Africa has been the leading creative center in the last 500 yr while white Europe lagged.
That must explain why racially more-mixed Southern Italy surged ahead of white-bread Northern European nations.
That must be why racially mixed Latin America achieved so much more than that the US that was far more white-conscious and less mixed.
That must be why Central Asia where people are mixed of European, Asian, and Turkic blood did so much more than Europe or East Asia.
I mean what did those Germans and Japanese achieve in the 19th and 20th century?
But consider the great achievements of Peru, Morocco, and Kazakhstan.
It was because of racial mixing that Kazakkstsan produced Akira Kurosawa and David Lean.
It was because of racial mixing that Morocco produced Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Wagner, and etc., all creative race-mixed people.
But white bread Germans? They never did nuttin’.
And it was because the Turks of Ottoman Empire were racially mixed — of Greek, Turkic, Arab, Russian, Armenian, etc blood — that they were so creative and tolerant and surpassed white bread Europe.
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